Fast Track Information
The Fast Track Program is for middle school students that need to complete course requirements to catch up to their cohort.
The program uses Edgenuity, which allows students to work at their own pace. Work is completed in the classroom, under the supervision of a certified teacher.
Eligibility Criteria
- All 6th and 7th grade students failing core courses will remain at their zoned school and enroll in credit recovery courses
- Any Middle school student turning 16 years old or will turn 16 years old during the school year
- Repeat 8th grade students – 8th grade students who lack necessary coursework to be promoted to the 9th grade by the end of their 8th grade year.
- No major discipline history (fighting, drugs, weapons etc.)
- Ability to work in a self-paced environment
- Have a referral from their zoned middle school counselor
Admission Procedures
- Students are identified and screened by school counselors using the Fast Track Dropout Prevention Process
- Students must sign a behavior/performance contract
- Parents are notified that placement is voluntary
- Parents sign form MIS 4198 – Dropout Prevention Program Form consenting to placement
- Final decisions related to the program will be that of the school site staff. **
** Students are screened by OTC administration prior to program admission
Program Contacts
Jon Williams – Principal
[email protected]
Patricia Aucoin – School Counselor
[email protected]
Chadley White – Teacher
[email protected]