1. /
  2. Solar Technology

Solar Photovoltaic System Design, Installation and Maint-Entry Level

Be part of the future in the fast growing 
“green technology” job market.

Exciting Career Fields: Solar Architecture, Photo Cell Manufacturing, Solar Panel Installation, Solar Electrician

This program offers a sequence of courses that provide content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the energy field.

The classroom content provides limited Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Design, Installation and Maintenance program.

  • Demonstrate the importance of health, safety and environmental management systems for various organizations.
  • Learn the federal regulartory performance and compliance required of “Green” companies.
  • Identify systems and their components.
  • Conduct a site assessment.
  • Read and interpret basic blueprints.
  • Layout and coordinate a job.
  • Adapt a PV design.
  • Install solor collectors, PV systems and electrical wiring.

The Electrician Program is a prerequisite for this program.

Advisory Council Members Program Instructors Course Hours & Costs
Mickey Price Peaden Mechanical
Jackie Kirley AFPS
Wesley Northington Marathon Electrical
Jared LaFon Marathon Electrical
Darrell Taylor Gulf Coast Electrical
Hunter Jones JCCR Electrical

Jason Barrow

Program Course Hours & Costs


Photovoltaic Solar

OCP Course Number Course Title Course Length
A EEV0205 Solar Photovoltaic Design Installation and Maintenance Helper 150 Hours
B EEV0205 Solar Photovoltaic Design Installation and Maintenance Technician 450 Hours

Estimate of Total Program Costs

Total Tuition and Fees Detail:
$1752.00 Photovoltaic Solar – Florida Resident Tuition ($2.92 x 600 hours)
$425.00 Lab Fees (Per Academic Semester)
$50.00 Registration Fees (1 Time Per Program)
$200.00 Estimated Textbook Total
(Full textbook listing available in the front office.)

For estimation purposes only. Rates are based on the 2024-2025 School Year. Prices are subject to change.

Website by The Net Group Online